April 18, 2019
Alina Strelkova: "All over the world, malls are no longer just shopping areas, but are transforming into socio-cultural clusters, meeting the needs of modern generations"
Alina Strelkova, Director of Development and Commerce at Mall Management Group, talks about the health of large shopping centers today, their competition with district centers and the features of Salaris mixed-use complex. - Alina, in your opinion, what are the prospects of large shopping centers, given the very low commissioning of retail space last year? - Indeed, the level of new space commissioning in 2018 was the lowest in the last 10 years. But the forecast of experts in retail real estate is quite positive. Due to the fact that not so many new objects appeared, the number of vacant spaces in shopping centers decreased by 3%. In the most visited shopping centers, such as "Columbus" and "Atrium", the vacancy rate reached zero. Favorable location of these objects and stable high traffic provide growth of tenants' turnover and allow to increase profitability. With professional management, proper leasing and marketing strategies, a shopping center today can be successful and generate income. -#In your opinion, how should a shopping center stand out from others in a highly competitive market? - I would highlight several key components for the success of a shopping center.

First of all, it is the most convenient location for visitors together with a competent concept. Secondly, the integration of modern digital technologies - collection and analysis of data on visitors and their needs, personalization of offers and new tools to attract people to shopping centers. Thirdly, the increasing penetration of online tools into shopping center life such as convenient mobile apps, pick up points, Click & Collect services and many more. Finally, creating a unique shopping experience that includes a shopping offer, various entertainment and cultural events, cafes and restaurants, and services that make shopping and leisure in the mall as comfortable as possible.
— There is a point of view that large shopping centers will soon be displaced by "district centers". Opinions on this matter are very contradictory, so it is very interesting to hear yours. -#The increasing trend of decentralization and acceleration of the rhythm of life in megacities leads to the fact that residents of districts tend to get everything they need for a quality and comfortable life in walking distance, i.e. visitors expect more from shopping centers than just shopping, and this significantly changes their role in the urban environment. As our experience shows, it is becoming increasingly important to create a quality offer in culture, education, recreation and entertainment that meets the needs of local communities. Therefore, shopping centers are becoming full-fledged participants in the development of urban environment for leisure and recreation. People tend to spend their free time in an interesting way — family values are important for them, so they spend almost a third of their free time with their family, they like to go to the cinema and entertainment centers, 7% go in for sports and go to cafes and restaurants. Another 5% of citizens attend educational courses and master classes. District centers will not be able to cover all the needs of timely city residents.
Another important trend is generational change. Already in the next decade, the main consumers of goods and services will be the representatives of generation Z, or homelanders (after 2003, 15+ years old), and it is they who will shape the image of shopping centers. What is important for them? According to a study by CBRE, which surveyed 13,000 homelander consumers in three regions (European countries, North and South America and Asia), the majority of respondents spend about 48% of their income on leisure and entertainment. Despite the growing pressure of online shopping on traditional formats, 70% of homeowners still want to select items in stores and test them before buying. Meanwhile, 29% view shopping as a way to relax and have fun. These global trends certainly influence the format and filling of Russian shopping centers. All over the world, malls are no longer just shopping areas, but are being transformed into socio-cultural clusters, meeting the needs of modern generations. -#Please tell us about Salaris mixed-use development. First of all, we are interested in the format features and offers for visitors. -#The main feature of this mixed-use complex is its location.

This is the first high-quality shopping and entertainment center in the Salaryevo transport and interchange hub. It will combine the Salarievo metro station with a daily passenger traffic of up to 90 thousand people, a bus station with 280 routes of city and regional transport and a parking lot for 5,500 cars. The covered parking lot of the mixed-use complex is designed for 3500 cars, the open part will be used as an intercepting parking lot. It can accommodate up to 1500 cars.
Of course, one of the most important tasks in the development of Salaryevo TPU for us was to provide the widest possible service offer, so that passengers could buy a coffee or a sandwich "to go", use an ATM or the services of a household and pharmacy, not to mention the opportunity to buy groceries at home or pass the time waiting for transportation. I m proud to note that it s in the mixed-use complex that a Globus hypermarket will open for the first time: before this brand stores have never opened in this format. Another high-profile opening will be a movie theater of the Korean brand CGV. Such famous brands as Inditex, LPP, Uniqlo, M. Video, Sportmaster, Rive Gauche have also joined the pool of anchor tenants of Salaris. Besides, there is a suitable place for any occasion: you can have a snack on the way, invite your other half for a date or have lunch with your family on a day off in one of 25 cafes and restaurants. -#What are your plans after the opening? — Assessing the current market conditions and trends, we re implementing a number of projects that help us get more information about visitors and build effective two-way communication. Four months before opening of the Salaris shopping mall, we started working with the audience in social networks.
Wi-fi routers were installed in common areas of the shopping center for further targeting in digital channels on the basis of actual information about users. When creating a targeted outdoor advertising program, we consider opportunities for further analysis of conversions — the customer’s profitability. In plans to personalized communication with the customer on relevant topics. In addition, at the time of opening of Salaris mixed-use complex, we will launch a mobile application, which is already working in the framework of other projects of the company. It includes a loyalty program and check scanning functionality, which will allow us to create a base of loyal customers at the first stage.